‘I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.’ John 15:5
John Wright is the founder and force behind Branch Press. He has been a Lay Reader for 40 years and is a member of the College of Evangelists instituted by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York. He is also an International Director of the Full Gospel Business Men of whom the Archbishop of York has said, ‘We need more men like them.’
John and his wife Sue have travelled to 36 countries since 1978, preaching the Full Gospel in word and in deed in the power of the Spirit with signs and wonders. Romans 15:18-20. John’s ministry as an evangelist, teacher and encourager of daily witnessing has been appreciated in all main line denominations. His particular passion is for church members to be born of the Holy Spirit, filled with the Holy Spirit and learning to walk as Jesus walked, doing the things that Jesus did, seeking and using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
John Wright comes from a family who, since the eighteenth century, have produced missionaries and business men in every generation. His great grandfather, Prebendary Henry Wright, was General Secretary of the Church Missionary Society.
As a bachelor of 32 and a regular Churchgoer, he had a dramatic conversion experience. This was the prelude, as it was for Joseph in the Book of Genesis, to a period of tribulation balanced by many great blessings. Businesses collapsed, he went through a desert experience of two years unemployment, he had cancer and finally the undeserved humiliation of Prison. The hands of the Potter have been manifestly at work building a man of faith and endurance. Throughout these trials and afflictions John’s sense of humour has never left him. The joy of the Lord has been his strength.
John and Sue live near Norwich. They have 4 sons and a daughter, all of whom are on fire for God. John is a businessman who trained at the Harvard Business School. He has been a Director of Reckitt & Colman Food Division and has founded a Merchant Bank in Norwich in obedience to the Holy Spirit, despite having neither money nor any knowledge of banking ! He started the St Matthews Housing Association which provides accommodation for the homeless in over 80 houses throughout East Anglia. He also started the Stop a Copper Society whose members stop police and traffic wardens to express their appreciation.
John’s testimony will move you from tears to laughter and will be a great encouragement for someone going through a time of affliction. He also has a healing ministry arising from gifts of knowledge to confirm the preaching of the Full Gospel. Romans 15:18-19.
- Jesus is the Bread of life
- The seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it.
- Follow the Holy Spirit and trust the Lord Jesus always
Comments on Ministry
"I did not know what the gift of evangelism was until I met John. He speaks ‘in season and out of season,’ on trains, in the street, in country lanes and shops. His gift is quite remarkable."
Rev David Broome, C of E Norwich Diocese
"We have been very grateful to have John Wright speaking at the Norfolk Regional Day. I’m not surprised when John causes a stir; he goes where others would not, speaks when others would stay quiet, mentions Jesus when others would be ashamed, and shines brightly whilst others would stay hidden. In an age when the church needs to wake up, stand up, and be counted John is a very welcome evangelist."
Rev Andy Drake, Baptist Minister, Director of Evangelism, Christian Vision for Men
"I recently had the privilege of having John Wright and his wife Susan to preach and minister at one of my services and would commend them to you. What a blessing! John was incredibly well received. His preaching was accessible and full of stories, but very focussed and Jesus centred. My PCC is very keen that he visit us again soon."
Rev Fiona Shouler, C of E Southwell Diocese
"The feedback from your visit has been most positive. Your stories and testimony were thought to be entertaining and encouraging. I am also thrilled to report that two at least of those who asked for prayer for healing have since said they believe they are fully healed."
Rev Ian Walters, C of E Lincoln Diocese
"I would thoroughly recommend the ministry of John Wright to encourage Christians to speak to strangers for the sake of the Gospel. Sharing the Gospel with strangers should be the most normal thing for a believer to do yet so many are trapped by their own anxieties and fears. With John’s remarkable testimonies the audience is challenged and inspired to overcome the fear of the unknown. His persuasive message is brought with laughter and humility, yet has the gravity to pierce your heart. I would recommend John’s ministry to believers of all denominations who truly desire to represent Christ on this earth".
Pastor Darren Roy, Ulverston, Cumbria
We were very grateful and thankful for your visit to us, especially for your wonderful message about Talking to Strangers. Your message had a great impact on our congregation, with testimonies of how they had been encouraged to share the gospel and their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. One of our congregation shared her testimony in a nearby shop and gave out tracts to two shopkeepers, and also to her doctor. She mentioned that it had really helped and encouraged her to step out in faith and evangelise where she hadn’t ventured in the past. I sincerely believe the message “speaking to strangers” is our marching order to reconnect to the work of Grace. May our entire church be involved in this divine commission.
Bishop Foster Doe, Grace Fountain Church, Wigan
Thanks for your entertaining, fresh and inspirational talk last week. You gave us plenty to think about and do! I am going to pass on your details to the Chelmsford North Deanery as a recommendation for someone to speak to them at synod, and also to a breakfast group at a church I know where they are often looking for speakers. I will also bear you in mind as I go around to pass on details as occasion may arise. I think the majority of the people at synod were very engaged with you and felt your talk as beneficial as I did. I looked round while you were speaking and folk were listening and enjoying what they heard.
Canon Christine Horton, Co-Chair of Chelmsford South Deanery Synod
Ministry Topics
Teaching witnessing to all we pass by daily on the Jericho Road Testimony at Men’s Breakfasts and evangelistic suppers
“Gershwin and God” outreach evenings
Walking as Jesus walked – obedience; humility; compassion; power
Reaping and sowing – Money – Forgiveness – Kindness etc
Marriage – a fine romance fuelled daily
God’s loving purposes in trials and afflictions
Running a business in the power of the Spirit
Faith – active (obedience) and passive (waiting)
The baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit
Islam what Christians need know
Publications from The Branch Press
The Road Quartet – four collections of one page miracle stories
Rescue – how to witness to strangers
Profit – the blessing of God or the curse of mammon?
Seven Troubles – in the loving hands of the Potter
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit
The Almond Rod – prophetic pictures for today
No Easy Ride – John Wright’s testimony
Prison Letters – miracles behind bars
Flood Warning – a simple explanation of the Gospel
Council of Reference
Pastor Terry Baker
Bishop Gavin Reid
John Wright and The Branch Press are at:
Kirby House, Kirby Bedon,
Norwich. NR14 7DZ
01508 494366